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Choosing Your Deductible: Four Factors to Consider

When choosing an auto insurance policy, deciding what level of deductible makes the most sense for your needs can be challenging. At 925 Partners, serving Jacksonville, FL, we’re here to help you choose the right auto policy. Let’s look at what you’ll need to consider when choosing your deductible level for your auto insurance policy. 

Vehicle Value

If you have an older vehicle, it may make sense to choose a higher deductible. Since older cars are more likely to need regular repairs, you may want to use the money you save from selecting a higher deductible for your emergency repair fund. 

Driving Risk

If you’re generally a safe driver, your insurance company will likely consider you low-risk. If your chances of getting into an accident are relatively low, you may want to choose a higher deductible than if your chances are higher.

Consider Your Budget

If you got into a car accident today, how much could you spend on repairs? Consider this when choosing your deductible. If you’re on a tight budget, it might make more sense to choose a lower deductible with higher monthly premiums to afford a repair if the unexpected happens. 

Think About Your Environment

Even if you’re a great driver, those around you may not be. If you live in an area with high fender benders or hit-and-runs, you may want to go with a lower deductible.

Reach Out to 925 Partners, Serving Jacksonville, FL, Today

If you’re searching for a new auto insurance policy, you’re in the right place! At 925 Partners, serving Jacksonville, FL, our team is here to help you find the right auto insurance policy for your needs. Please stop by or contact us today to learn how we can help protect you on the road. 

What are the benefits of having a Florida commercial transportation insurance plan?

The commercial transportation industry continues to be very important as it involves the trucking and shipment of products all over the country. For those in the Jacksonville, FL area, this can be a great business to be in. However, there are always risks that come with being in this industry. One way to protect a business in this industry is by getting a commercial transportation insurance plan, which offers several benefits. 

Protect Assets

A company in this industry will own many assets, including trucks, moving equipment, and other materials. When you have a commercial transportation insurance plan, you will have coverage to protect these assets. This can include ensuring you have coverage if you are involved in an accident or incur a loss due to theft or vandalism, which requires a repair or full replacement of these core assets. 

Liability Risk Mitigation

A commercial transportation insurance plan will also help you reduce liability risks. In this industry, a company takes on many liability risks, including the risk that an accident occurs on the road, loss or damage of cargo, and various other types of liability risks. When you are insured with a full commercial transportation insurance plan, it will provide coverage so you can cover any damages that arise. 

In the Jacksonville, FL area, a commercial transportation insurance plan is essential for anyone that operates in this industry. When you select a plan, it is very important to choose one that is right for your situation. Fortunately, our team at 925 Partners can always help. When you call our team with 925 Partners, you will get the support you need to build a plan to protect your business and assets. 

How to Keep Pets Safe At Home

Your pets are an essential part of your family and the dynamics of your home. At 925 Partners, serving Jacksonville, FL, and the surrounding areas, we know how important it is to you to keep your pets safe, especially when they are in the house or home alone. Let’s look at ways to help keep your pets safe at home. 

Keep Toxic Materials Out of Reach 

If you are a pet owner, you are responsible for staying aware of what items are toxic to your pets. Many items are obviously unsafe, such as chemicals and cleaners. But did you know many items are perfectly safe for people but are very toxic to animals? For instance, chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats. Your pets should be kept away from many seemingly innocent foods and other materials. Talk with your vet to get a full list of what your pet should be kept away from. 

Make Your Home Pet Friendly

It is also essential that you make an effort to make your home pet friendly if your pets will stay inside. This means that they should not be confined in spaces that would make them anxious or in places that would put them in danger. Depending on the season, they also need spaces that are not too hot or cold. 

Protect Aggressive Pets 

This might seem a bit backward because most people think others should be protected from aggressive pets. Still, if you have a pet that struggles with aggression toward other animals or people, keeping that animal in a safe space where it cannot hurt others is your responsibility. 

Contact us at 925 Partners to learn about home insurance options in Jacksonville, FL, and the surrounding areas. 

Common Misconceptions About Classic Car Insurance

If you own a classic car, having the correct insurance to protect this significant investment is crucial. However, there are many common misconceptions concerning classic car insurance. Because of this, it can make decisions difficult. Our experts at 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL, will help navigate you to the plan that fits you best. Let’s discuss some of the most common myths and misconceptions about classic car insurance to help guide your decision-making. 

Myth #1: Classic car insurance is only available to cars at least 25 years old. 

This myth may be true in some situations; however, there are insurance companies that will cover classic cars that are less than 25 years old. The criteria vary by state and insurance company.

Myth #2: An appraisal is necessary to get classic car insurance.

This myth is another common misconception about classic car insurance. Many insurance companies have methods to help determine a classic car’s value. While appraisals are beneficial in determining insurance rates, they are only sometimes necessary.

Myth #3: Only classic cars kept in a garage or showroom and never driven are covered under classic car insurance.

There are multiple types of classic car insurance coverage available for classic car insurance, including cars that participate in car shows, parades, or vehicles used to drive for fun.

In conclusion, many myths and misconceptions surround the classic car insurance industry. You can find the right classic car coverage by working with experienced classic car insurance like ours at 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL.

Refrain from letting the myths and misconceptions get in your way of having the proper coverage. For more information on classic car insurance, contact our experts at 925 Partners by calling 855-925-1200 or emailing 

Peace of Mind: Why Life Insurance is Essential for Florida Residents

As residents of Jacksonville, FL, it’s essential to consider what steps we can take to protect our loved ones in the event of the unexpected. One critical way to do this is by investing in life insurance. Life insurance provides peace of mind when you know it will lessen the financial burden on your family if something happens to you.

925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL offers life insurance policies designed to fit different budgets and needs. 

Invest in Your Family’s Future

No one can predict the future, and accidents can happen to anyone. So it’s crucial to have a plan to protect your family and ensure they have the financial support they need. Life insurance can help cover funeral costs, outstanding debts, and mortgage payments. It can also provide a source of income for your loved ones if you pass away.

Your insurance agent can advise you about the pros and cons of term life and whole life insurance. 

Term life insurance policies typically cover policyholders for a set period, typically between 10-30 years. It’s ideal for those who want to care for their loved ones during a specific time frame when their children are young or while they’re paying off a mortgage.

On the other hand, permanent life insurance provides coverage for the rest of your life. It also includes a savings component, which can grow tax-free over time and be used for various purposes, such as paying for college tuition or supplementing retirement income.

Protect Your Loved Ones

Life insurance is an essential investment for Florida residents. Don’t wait until it is too late – protect your loved ones today by investing in life insurance.

Contact 925 Partners for a quote today! 

What is the benefit of getting flood insurance in Jacksonville?

Owning real estate can be a great idea in the Jacksonville, FL area. When buying a home, you should spend time assessing your insurance options and needs. One type of coverage to consider getting is flood insurance, which is ideal if you risk flood damage. Many benefits come if you do obtain this coverage. 

Protect Your Dwelling

An important reason for anyone to get a flood insurance policy is that it can cover their dwelling. Those in the Jacksonville area likely know how much damage a flood can cause. Unfortunately, standard home insurance plans do not always offer support for flood damage. Because of this, you will want to know that you are covered, and a full flood insurance policy will offer the financial help you need if a flood damages your home. 

Meet Lender Requirements

Getting a flood insurance policy is also a good idea, as it can help you meet your lender requirements. If you have taken out a mortgage, the lender will require certain forms of insurance. If your home is in a flood zone, this will require you to carry a flood insurance policy at all times. In many cases, you will also need to establish escrows to ensure payments continue to be made. 

People who purchase a home in the Jacksonville, FL area need to ensure that they have proper insurance. If you are evaluating your insurance needs, call our team at 925 Partners. We understand the value of flood insurance and can help you determine your needs and options. This can ensure you remain appropriately covered at all times. 

Transportation Insurance: Bobtail Insurance Explained

When truckers drive without a trailer, called bobtailing or deadheading, they must carry a special type of insurance that covers this. Without a load in a trailer to weigh down, the trailer becomes more dangerous to drive and increases the risk of an accident, hence the extra policy.

If you haul for a Jacksonville, FL company instead of independently, you might expect the trucking company to pay for the bobtail policy. Instead, the companies typically require drivers to purchase bobtail coverage through an insurer like 925 Partners. Independent truckers should carry this vital coverage even if the trucking company they contract with does not require it.

What is Bobtail Insurance?

The term bobtailing refers to a truck without a trailer attached driven by a truck driver under the authority of a third-party trucking company. Bobtail insurance adds liability coverage that protects the driver and company from financial loss in case of an accident. The insurance only kicks in when the driver has no trailer attached to the cab but operates the truck.

Why Buy Bobtail Insurance? 

While a driver has a trailer attached with a load inside, they’re on the job, and the trucking company insurance covers property and liability. Once the truck driver drops off the load, they’re considered off work. The trucking company’s insurance stops covering them once they’re off the clock.

This creates a coverage gap that only bobtail insurance covers. Each truck driver purchases their own bobtail policy.

If you’re operating a truck with the help of someone else’s trucking authority, the insurance that your motor carrier or trucker’s liability only helps if you have a trailer in tow or if you are working on dispatch. For all other possible scenarios, it’s best to have coverage for yourself as an individual.

This differs from non-trucking insurance. Contact 925 Partners, serving Jacksonville, FL for more information on adding bobtail coverage to your trucking policy package.

Is Classic Car Insurance the Better Option?

Classic cars are sentimental pieces of history, and for many classic car owners, it’s essential to have an insurance policy in Jacksonville, FL, that reflects their unique needs. But what does a classic car insurance policy cover? Is it worth the extra money?

What Does Classic Car Insurance Cover?

Classic car insurance has some distinct advantages over standard auto insurance policies. Generally, classic cars are only driven occasionally, so many classic car owners choose policies with limited mileage coverage and lower premiums. This type of policy also protects against depreciation and offers unique coverage options such as spare parts replacement, custom equipment coverage, agreed value coverage, roadside assistance, and trip interruption protection.

Your 925 Partners representative can help you find the right coverage. In addition, most classic car insurers offer more lenient repair requirements than standard auto insurers — allowing you to work with shops specializing in vintage vehicles or restorers who understand precisely what goes into maintaining a classic vehicle. That way, you can rest assured knowing that your beloved car will be well taken care of if anything should happen to it.

Is It Worth It?

For those who own a classic vehicle, the answer is yes! A classic car policy can be surprisingly affordable, depending on your location and vehicle type. The added peace of mind from knowing that your car is adequately insured can far outweigh any additional cost associated with this policy.

For those who own a classic car, purchasing a specialty policy may be the best way to protect your investment. With its comprehensive coverage options and specialized repair requirements tailored specifically for vintage vehicles, investing in a quality classic car insurance policy could save you time and money down the line—contact 925 Partners to learn more about your classic car insurance in Jacksonville, FL.

Umbrella Insurance Takes Over Where Other Policies Leave Off

Did you know that you can buy extra insurance protection beyond the limits of your existing policies? It is called umbrella insurance, and it provides an extra layer of security where other policies stop. The insurance professionals at 925 Partners can provide this additional coverage. They serve Jacksonville, FL, and the surrounding area.

Umbrella insurance is also called excess liability insurance. For example, suppose a policyholder is sued for damages over their existing insurance policies, such as a car or home. In that case, the umbrella policy will help to pay for what is remaining.

This protection can be invaluable if you happen to be someone who has accumulated wealth. If you have private staff, such as nannies, cooks, housekeepers, or gardeners, to help you maintain your home, their employment can increase your risk of lawsuits.

You could be left with costly out-of-pocket costs that could be avoided with umbrella coverage if you or a family member are injured due to another’s negligence, such as a dog bite or car accident.

You have a lot to lose. Umbrella coverage is vital as it helps maintain adequate limits of personal excess liability coverage to protect your finances.

Do you wonder if you need umbrella insurance? Although this extra coverage would be helpful for anyone, if you have a net worth in excess of $500,000, this coverage would be for you. The more you have, the more you stand to lose. In a lawsuit, a regular car or home insurance policy, in all likelihood, will not provide enough liability coverage. This would mean you risk losing your home or draining your savings needlessly.

For that extra layer of protection, umbrella insurance can provide the peace of mind that is so important these days when lawsuits are commonplace. For a quote or answers to your questions, contact the professionals at 925 Partners Insurance today.

Three things you shouldn’t assume about life insurance coverage

Purchasing life insurance could be one of the most important things you do to protect the financial security of your family. Being well-informed about life insurance will help you to make the right choices.

At 925 Partners, we are a life insurance provider for consumers in the Jacksonville, FL area. The following are three things you shouldn’t assume about life insurance coverage. 

You can’t afford life insurance.

For many consumers, life insurance is not expensive. The average monthly life insurance premium is around $26 per month. 

Get quotes on life insurance policies before assuming you can’t afford coverage. With a bit of budgeting and planning, you should be able to find a life insurance policy that won’t cause you any financial strain. 

The life insurance coverage you get through your employer is adequate.

Many consumers get some life insurance coverage as part of their benefits package with their employer. However, it’s important to realize that many employer-sponsored policies offer minimal coverage.

You must carefully evaluate your employer-sponsored life insurance coverage before assuming it’s adequate. In many cases, consumers need to invest in added coverage for complete financial security for their families. 

You don’t need life insurance because you’re too young. 

Investing in life insurance is important regardless of how young and healthy you are. Even healthy, young individuals can experience untimely death that puts a financial strain on their families.

Purchase a life insurance policy, so you don’t have to worry about the unexpected. 

Do you have questions about life insurance in Jacksonville, FL? At 925 Partners, we’d like to hear your questions. We’ll come to your assistance and offer you life insurance solutions that protect your family financially. 

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