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Worried About Floods? Sounds Like You Need Flood Insurance

Understanding the Importance of Flood Insurance

Are you worried about potential damages and losses caused by floods? Standard homeowner insurance policies do not cover floods. If you live in a flood-prone area, having flood insurance is crucial. The proficient team at 925 Partners, servicing Jacksonville, FL, specializes in helping clients attain comprehensive flood insurance policies suited to their specific needs.

What Does Flood Insurance Entail?

Flood insurance covers direct physical losses due to flooding. This coverage is indispensable, as most home insurance policies do not cover flood-induced losses. In fact, many private insurers do not even offer flood insurance. Instead, homeowners often procure their flood insurance from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a federal initiative that provides flood insurance to homeowners.

How to Secure a Flood Insurance Policy?

If you need flood insurance, consider discussing your options with your insurance agent. While the NFIP is a federal program, private insurance agents can assist their clients in obtaining the right policies.

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

If you reside in an area prone to floods, it’s wise to consider obtaining flood insurance. Online flood maps can help ascertain your risk. Even homes in low-risk areas may benefit from flood insurance, as they are not entirely exempt from the possibility of flooding.

Interested in securing a flood insurance policy for your home? Talk to your insurance agent at 925 Partners, servicing Jacksonville, FL. We aim to provide comprehensive information about flood insurance and help you get the coverage you need for your home. Give us a call today.

Reasons Why a Flood Insurance Claim Would Be Rejected

Why is Your Flood Insurance Claim Rejected?

Homeowner’s insurance is a robust and dependable form of protection in various situations. Nevertheless, flood insurance makes an excellent addition to homeowner’s insurance, especially considering floods are typically excluded from coverage. A flood insurance policy remains a wise investment even if you reside in a region not prone to flooding.

Should your home suffer from a flood, your flood insurance policy would likely cater to your coverage needs. However, sometimes insurance claims can be refused. Here are a few common reasons why a flood insurance claim may face rejection.

Insufficient Documentation

When filing a flood insurance claim, sufficient evidence such as photos and videos (where possible), documentation of sustained damage, and an inventory of damaged property are critical. Your insurance adjuster will guide you on all the necessary materials needed to process your claim, which must be provided within a suitable timeframe.

Delay in Filing Claim

If you delay too long to file your claim after a flood event, this could jeopardize its approval. Waiting for two years after a flood to file a claim isn’t practical, and typically, a claim filed past 60 days will likely be rejected. The sooner you file, the better.

As seen above, you may risk having your flood insurance claim rejected if you don’t diligently provide the necessary documentation as part of your claim. This same principle applies to any insurance claim, as essential information is crucial for all claim processing. If your flood insurance claim is denied, don’t despair, as there should be an opportunity to redress the discrepancies and hopefully have your claim approved.

If you’re in need of a new insurance provider in the Jacksonville, FL area, consider us at 925 Partners. We prioritize our customers and provide insurance coverage in Jacksonville, FL, and surrounding areas. Reach out to 925 Partners today, and one of our helpful agents will assist you in obtaining a quote.

Why Flood Insurance Is So Important

Flood insurance may not be a type of policy that most people think about very often, but everyone is glad to have it when a flood hits. However, every homeowner should have this type of insurance because of the danger of floods. A flood can cause catastrophic damage to a home. Call us at 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL, for a flood insurance policy.

Flood Zones in Florida

There are specific areas in Florida that are designated as flood zones. These may be labeled with several years, such as 25. That means the area can expect a flood about every 25 years on average. People who buy homes inside those zones generally require flood insurance. However, flooding can also happen far outside of these zones. About 20% of all flood claims sent to insurance companies come from outside flood zones. That makes it important to have flood insurance whether or not you have a flood zone designation. Flood insurance pays for the repairs or rebuilding needed after a flood damages the home. Home insurance policies don’t cover floods, so don’t rely on your home insurance to pay for flood damage. 

Government Backing

Today’s flood insurance policies are issued through the National Flood Insurance Program. This is a government program that makes funds available for those who have flood damage and flood insurance. The program guarantees it, so homeowners will know that funds will be there in case of a flood. The program sets the specific price of flood insurance so that the price will be the same no matter where you go to buy it. 

Get Flood Insurance

When you need flood insurance, call us at 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL, to learn more. 

What is the benefit of getting flood insurance in Jacksonville?

Owning real estate can be a great idea in the Jacksonville, FL area. When buying a home, you should spend time assessing your insurance options and needs. One type of coverage to consider getting is flood insurance, which is ideal if you risk flood damage. Many benefits come if you do obtain this coverage. 

Protect Your Dwelling

An important reason for anyone to get a flood insurance policy is that it can cover their dwelling. Those in the Jacksonville area likely know how much damage a flood can cause. Unfortunately, standard home insurance plans do not always offer support for flood damage. Because of this, you will want to know that you are covered, and a full flood insurance policy will offer the financial help you need if a flood damages your home. 

Meet Lender Requirements

Getting a flood insurance policy is also a good idea, as it can help you meet your lender requirements. If you have taken out a mortgage, the lender will require certain forms of insurance. If your home is in a flood zone, this will require you to carry a flood insurance policy at all times. In many cases, you will also need to establish escrows to ensure payments continue to be made. 

People who purchase a home in the Jacksonville, FL area need to ensure that they have proper insurance. If you are evaluating your insurance needs, call our team at 925 Partners. We understand the value of flood insurance and can help you determine your needs and options. This can ensure you remain appropriately covered at all times. 

Common Flood Insurance Exclusions

Since floods in Jacksonville, FL can happen anywhere and anytime, you should invest in flood insurance from 925 Partners. Flood insurance protects your building and its contents when flood damage occurs. But like most insurance policies, your flood insurance has limitations and exclusions. Today, we highlight typical flood insurance exclusions.

Internal flooding

Flood insurance won’t cover internal flooding. For instance, flood insurance won’t come to your rescue if you have flooding because of leaky pipes or a sewer backup. Your home insurance should compensate you for leaky pipes, but when the sewer lines are blocked, only a sewer backup "add-on" can help.

Earth movement

If sinkholes or earthquakes damage your home, flood insurance won’t cover the damage, even if floods caused the earth’s movement. You will have to file a claim with your earthquake insurance policy for such damage.

Movable property

Your typical flood insurance will not likely cover damage to self-propelled machines like cars and aircraft. Check your car or aircraft insurance to understand whether it covers flood damage.

Additional living expenses

If a fire or hail damages your home, your home insurance can pay for additional living expenses in a temporary shelter until it’s repaired. "Loss of use" isn’t usually covered in a typical flood insurance policy. However, if you need this add-on to your flood insurance policy, you can talk to your insurance agent because some private carriers offer it.

Pro-tip: Most flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period. So, you may not be covered if anything happens within this period. To be safe, avoid the last-minute rush when buying a flood insurance policy. Always beware of the waiting period.

Flood insurance in Jacksonville, FL

Would you like to learn more about flood insurance? Please call 925 Partners today! Our sales agents will answer all your queries about flood insurance. We will also help you purchase coverage that suits your current needs.



NFIP Flood Insurance Changes

Flood Risk Rating 2.0

925 Partners Insurance

Austin Williams, VP Personal Division

The National Flood program will start implementing its new Flood Risk Rating 2.0 starting on 10/01/2021 for new policies and 04/01/2022 or later as each policy comes up for renewal. While there are quite a few changes with this new rating system I have highlighted the biggest changes below:

  • How the rates are derived. FEMA will use both FEMA sourced data and other outside sources as well as the cost to rebuild, new rating variables, and flood frequency to calculate rates under Risk Rating 2.0. Each property has their own individual rate based on their flood risk. Prior to the change the address, value of home, or flood frequency were not used to calculate rates. Currently, policyholders with lower-valued homes are paying more than their share of the risk while policyholders with higher-valued homes are paying less than their share of the risk. Because Risk Rating 2.0 considers rebuilding costs, FEMA can equitably distribute premiums across all policyholders based on home value and a property’s unique flood risk.
  • Another big change is New Business with effective dates after 10/1/2021 will not require an Elevation Certificate, but if one is entered and more beneficial, it will be used. If the Elevation Certificate is not as beneficial as the information determined by FEMA, the policyholder will not be penalized, it will simply not be used. Prior to this change if the property was in a high-risk flood zone (A, AE, VE, V) then an elevation certificate was required to get flood coverage.
  • Rates will be calculated per thousand, opposed to per hundred previously, this means coverages will need to be in thousands.
  • No longer including basements, enclosures, and crawlspaces in the number of floors. Prior to this change a crawlspace was counted as a floor so rating was from the ground level. With this change, homes on a crawlspace or elevated enclosure could see premium reductions as they will now be rating from the next higher floor/actual first floor.
  • Prior claims variable applied at renewal of a policy, AFTER the first loss reported under Risk Rating 2.0.

While there are quite a few changes, some things are remaining unchanged:

  • Existing statutory limits on annual premium rate increases require that most rates not increase more than 18% per year.
  • The current flood maps will still be used in determining flood zone and if flood insurance will be mandatory for purchase with a mortgage.
  • FEMA will continue to offer premium discounts for pre-FIRM (homes built prior to the area being mapped for flood zones) subsidized and newly mapped properties.
  • Policyholders will still be able to transfer their discount to a new owner by assigning their flood insurance policy when their property changes ownership.
  • Discounts to policyholders in communities who participate in the Community Rating System will continue. Communities will continue to earn National Flood Insurance Program rate discounts of 5% – 45% based on the Community Rating System classification. These discounts are earned by the communities based on initiatives and being proactive in their flood plain management and vary by community. However, since Risk Rating 2.0 does not use flood zones to determine flood risk, the discount will be uniformly applied to all policies throughout the participating community, regardless of whether the structure is inside or outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area.

Quite a few home insurance carriers and other stand-alone private carriers offer flood insurance and those programs remained unchanged by the National Flood Program changes mentioned above. If you have further questions on how these changes will impact your home or business, please call/email us and talk to one of our flood insurance experts. We can be reached at 855-925-1200 or

Why should someone get flood insurance in Jacksonville?

Those that are in the Jacksonville, FL area may find that buying a home is a great long-term housing option. If you opt to purchase your home, you will want to know that your investment in your property is fully protected. A great way that this can be done is by getting a flood insurance plan. There are several reasons to obtain this coverage. 

Protect Their Home and Personal Assets

The primary reason someone will want to get a flood insurance plan in this area of Florida is to protect their home and personal assets. If you have bought a home that is located within a flood zone, there is going to be a chance that it could be damaged by a flood. The costs to repair or replace your home and personal assets can be significant and may not be protected much under your home insurance plan. A flood insurance policy ensures you have protection in these situations.

Comply with Lender Standards

You will also want to get a flood insurance plan to ensure you can comply with your lender’s standards. Those who want to purchase a home in Florida may want to finance their purchase by taking out a mortgage. If your home is in a flood zone, your lender will require you to get flood insurance. Maintaining a full flood insurance plan can ensure you remain in compliance with this obligation.

Anyone that is in the Jacksonville, FL area and wants to get a flood insurance plan should speak with someone experienced and that they can trust. The team with 925 Partners can offer all the support that is needed to ensure your home is properly covered. 925 Partners will help you understand your options and give any support needed to build your next plan. 

Who needs flood insurance in Jacksonville?

The Jacksonville, FL real estate market has continued to be one of the country’s hottest due to the growing population. There is a lot of long-term opportunity for real estate appreciation in this area of the state. If you choose to purchase a home when you are here, getting the right insurance coverage is very important. For many, this includes getting flood insurance. There are several scenarios where it makes sense to get a flood insurance plan. 

Those with Lender Obligations

The first reason why you may need to have flood insurance coverage in the Jacksonville area is that you could have lender obligations. If you own a home that is located within a flood zone, there is a chance that your lender will require you to carry flood insurance at all times. In many cases, the lender will also require that you set up escrows to ensure coverage remains in place.

Those that Want to Protect Home

It would be best if you also got flood insurance as it can protect your home. Flood damage can be very significant and cost a lot of money to remediate. If you live in an area near the ocean, a lake, or a river, there is always a chance of flood risk. With proper flood insurance, you will know that you have the insurance to repair your property. 

There will be many situations when having flood insurance in the Jacksonville, FL area is important. If you are looking for a plan in this area, you should call 925 Partners. The insurance team with 925 Partners understands the value that this coverage provides. They can help you assess your situation to determine if flood coverage is right for you. If it is, they can help you build a policy that protects your home and keeps you in compliance. 

Three flood insurance mistakes to avoid to protect your property

Flooding can cause extensive damage to Florida homes. That’s why it’s so important for homeowners in Jacksonville, FL to invest in a flood insurance policy. 

When you purchase flood insurance, you need to make sure that you avoid making the following three mistakes. 

Not understanding precisely what flood insurance covers.

One of the most important things to understand before you purchase a flood insurance policy is what it covers and what it doesn’t cover.

A flood insurance policy can’t be expected to cover every type of damage or asset. However, flood insurance should include things like your foundation, plumbing system, appliances, HVAC system, and carpeting.

Read the fine print to understand the exact extent of the coverage you’re getting. 

Failing to compare quotes on flood insurance policies

Flood insurance providers will offer you quotes on policies without any commitment. For this reason, it’s important to get multiple quotes and to compare them. This will allow you to find the best flood insurance option for your particular needs. 

Thinking you don’t need flood insurance because of your home’s location

Every home is designated as being in a particular flood zone. Some flood zones pose a greater risk of flood damage than others.

However, it’s essential to understand that every home could experience flood damage regardless of its location. It’s a good idea to invest in flood damage even if your home is not in an at-risk area. Homes that are not in high-risk areas often offer the benefit of relatively inexpensive flood insurance premiums. 

Start exploring your flood insurance options with 925 Partners by giving us a call. We’ll find the right flood insurance solution for your home in Jacksonville, FL. 

Is Flood Insurance Necessary To Obtain Financing For A Home?

Certain types of insurance may be necessary in order to obtain or keep financing for a home or a similar space. Before making a purchase, find out if you live in an area prone to flooding and find out more about government flood insurance designed to protect you from flood-related losses.

Flood Insurance For Homes

If you live in a coastal or lakeside area, your finance company may require you to have flood insurance to help prevent losses from a variety of instances. Be sure to ask your real estate agent or broker about insurance requirements and then contact our reputable insurance agency to find out more details. We can help guide you through the process and get a level of coverage that provides ideal protection in these instances. 

An Experienced Agency

The best way to get the right insurance is to work with an established agency. Those who live in or near the Jacksonville, FL area can inquire about flood insurance options at 925 Partners. We have skilled agents who are knowledgeable about the various flood insurance options and can help buyers get the right coverage to satisfy the finance company before buying a home. Being informed and having a friendly, professional on your side is the best way to acquire full protection from flooding and other threats.

If you are searching for flood insurance in the Jacksonville, FL area, call or stop by 925 Partners to get answers to questions and find out more about flood insurance policies. This is the only way to truly protect a home from losses as a result of flooding.

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